These brass grommets and washers come in a variety of sizes that suit all the raptors used in falconry. Be sure to order the correct size hole punch for each grommet (Item: FE5123).
Individual preferences vary from falconer to falconer for the size of equipment used on any particular hawk and are mostly controlled by the thickness and type of jesses the falconer uses. This list is compiled as a result of our experience over the years and those various requirements.
Small / Grommet Size 00 (3/16"): Suitable for kestrel, Merlin, sharp-shinned hawk, or similar sized hawk.
Medium / Grommet Size 0 (1/4"): Suitable for Coopers' hawk, Barbary falcon, male hybrid falcon, male Harris', small female peregrine, or similar sized hawk.
Large / Grommet Size 1 (5/16"): Suitable for large female peregrine, male red-tailed hawk, female Harris' hawk, female goshawk, gyrfalcon, male ferruginous hawk, or similar sized hawk.
XLarge Size / Grommet Size 2 (3/8"): Suitable for female ferruginous hawk, female red-tailed hawk, and other large sized hawks.
Eagle Size / Grommet Size 3 (7/16"): Suitable for eagles.
Gross of 144
3/16" Size 00 ($19.95)
1/4" Size 0 ($25.95)
5/16" Size 1 ($31.95)
3/8" Size 2 ($42.95)
7/16" Size 3 ($59.95)